
Showing posts from 2018

Our Birth Story

We thought that Eleanor Bea would come early throughout the entire pregnancy until the last couple weeks made us second guess our predictions. 75% effaced and 1.5 centimeters dilated was the update for three weeks in a row, so we were prepared for an induction on her due date, December 19. Little did we know, she would come two days early. Jordan was sick with a virus all weekend, so I went to church with Jenna and my mom, followed by Chaia for tacos. After lunch I sent a text to Kimmy joking that I was in labor, and she said, "Of course she is too comfortable because you keep feeding her tacos." I went about my day working on calligraphy and watercolor and watching "Dumplin" while Jordan setup camped out on the couch.  At 8:50pm my phone died when Yolanda texted me, so I went upstairs to plug it in. Then, I hopped in the shower as I did every other night during my third trimester bedtime routine. Jordan was already asleep because he took Tylenol Cold and Si