
Showing posts from March, 2019

3 months

  3 months have flown by with our sweet Eleanor Bea "EB"! You giggled for the first time in St. Michaels, and now you love to giggle every night before bed on the changing table. You also have long conversations on the changing table, repeating the sounds that mommy makes, and singing with dad. We think your blue eyes might be here to stay! You prefer your hands to your pacifier, and we often call you "slobber pot" because you are constantly blowing spit bubbles. You have figured out how to pick up objects, especially the bee and dinosaur toys. You're working on rolling over from your tummy to your back, which you successfully did on the Boppy with Aunt Jenna.   You don't love naps, but praise Jesus you sleep well at night. We put you to sleep around 7:00pm, and you sleep until 3:30am or 4:00am. If I put you on my chest after the 6:30am feeding you will sleep until 8:30am. I love your snuggles, so we do this often! You are

EB's First Trip to Vero Beach

Lots of walks, smoothies and love during EB's first trip to Vero! We cannot wait to bring her back when she is old enough to go in the pool and to eat ice cream.